Friday, 10 September 2010

FML Beta testing... we need more.

I think its pretty clear that the time between the last upgrade (Christ knows when that was but I think it was when I upgraded from Atari to a ZX Spectrum) and the next upgrade is the longest I have known.Various suggestions have been made but the 'after the FM2011 roll-out is favourite.

Have to be honest. This hacks me off and pleases me at the same time- a bit like the thought of eating pigs eyeballs and then realising they taste nice. Its about time more time was spent on upgrades in Beta. Most of the major upgrades since pre-reset (YA's, RP's, Skill point restructure, Stadiums, Finances, 3D Lag, etc) have been rushed out and invariably needed fixing again. Not only is this a pain in the kecks, but it wastes time fixing things that should have been rolled out only when they were ready.

3D- Whether its a good idea or not (I like it however), your computer ends up going slower than Wayne Rooney through a red light district. this was highlighted on many occassions in Beta. Reaction? Lets roll it out anyway (I suspect because 'the Masses' were chomping at the bit).

RP's- Rolled out as a sop to managers around the Reset announcement. Completely irrelevant. Reduces most of the non-FA/Major games to friendlies with no real point... apart from bragging rights (like I care, I want money, Rep and something tangible..... pointless mascots or a manic lawnmower doesn't get me grabbing for the tissues) -or- fitness. Yes,  I know I could add tactical tweeking.... but that doesn't appeal to me endlessly, and would be for a minority of players.

Skills- long threads, lots of comments. Still not happy with the endless time it takes to learn anything.

YA's- Proof is in the fixing. It came out. It was broken. It was fixed. It is fundementally broken. it is now being completely overhauled. SI have listened and actioned. Sometimes just feels it shouldn't have left Beta.

Stadiums- Just several seasons  in, 2 three-tier Ospilata's (or whatever- why weren't they just called Barry, Derek and Trevor?!) later, and at 16* Rep it is merely a place to bury profits to avoid tax. Too easy to get to £150-160k. The last £15k is pointless.

Finances- Clearly wrong post reset, hence the adjustments. Again, not tested long enough in Beta. I also think wage multipliers took too long to come in.... but time will tell as teams drop away after spending too heavily.

LAG- The single most annoying thing to bring me closest to turning off and walking away. It is in a constant state of 'being looked at

Anyway, I digress. This is obviously a moan so far.... but, *Shock* *Horror* maybe things are changing? Longer testing in Beta will mean longer between upgrades. I can take that. I can see the point to that. If the final product coming out of the factory is a more refined workable feast, then I am buying into the situation. Let the delay continue if it means a sharper upgrade.

Prospective changes being tested so far, to MV, AF's, JP's... are all looking positive for me at the moment. 1.7 must be a hit... If the game gets itself into a position when it can full on advertise, then more money comes in, then more Dev team members. That seems worth the wait. No pressure SI....

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